Play It to the Bone

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Woody Harrelson, Lolita Davidovich, Lucy Liu, Tom Sizemore, Robert Wagner, Kevin Costner (cameo), Mike Tyson (cameo), Rod Stewart (cameo), Wesley Snipes (cameo), James Woods (cameo)
Directed by: Ron Shelton
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Sports, Comedy

Times Seen:
Tim: 2

Summary: Two best friends, Vince (Woody Harrelson) and Cesar (Antonio Banderas) who are also washed up boxers get a once-in-a-lifetime chance. They are given a great opportunity- a title shot. First, however, they must fight each other in Vegas- and to the winner, goes the chance to fight the current champ.


Tim: This is a movie that has many, many flaws. Most of the movie is characterized by disappointment. However, there is one great redeeming quality. The film ends with an amazing 25 minute boxing match between Antonio Banderas and Woody Harrelson. This fight is beautifully choreographed, memorable, and it is worth sticking through the rest of the movie to get to this point.

The first hour and forty minutes isn't great. There are some legitimate entertaining moments, mostly in the interaction between Harrelson and Banderas. They make very good friends involved in a love-hate relationship. Their connection to Lolita Davidovich's character is somewhat interesting as well. However, there is just too much verbal diarrhea spewing from Harrelson and Banderas' mouths to be very good. There are so many stupid moments, from the whole "seeing Jesus" subplot to Banderas' checkered sexual past. I'm not sure why these moments are included in the film, but there only detract. Lucy Liu's brief role is fairly pointless as well.

Once you get to the big finale, the movie gets much, much better. The 25 minute fight scene is wonderful to watch. The movie does get you to buy into these two characters, and seeing these best friends battle each other so ferociously is amazing. The fight is absolutely spectacular.

Play It to the Bone isn't a good movie. However, the finale fight is so terrific that it greatly improves the overall movie. It's not enough to save it completely, but it makes it much more palatable. If you can make it to the end, you will be rewarded.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6

If You Enjoyed This Movie, We Recommend: Rocky, The Thin Red Line, The 13th Warrior, Assassins