Pitch Black

Starring: Vin Diesel, Cole Hauser, Radha Mitchell, Keith David, Claudia Black, Lewis Fitzgerald
Directed by: David Twohy
Rating: R
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror

Times Seen:
Tim: 3

Summary: A spaceship crash lands on a desert planet which has a strange feature- three suns, which cause perpetual sunlight. Among the survivors are the strong willed captain (Radha Mitchell), a drug addicted cop/bounty hunter (Cole Hauser), and a deadly prisoner (Vin Diesel). The survivors soon discover the plant is quickly approaching a solar eclipse that will plunge the planet into darkness. To make matters worse, the planet is populated with terrifying creatures that have to live underground because light hurts them. However, now that the eclipse is coming, they will be free to roam the planet- and kill anything in sight. Now, the survivors must not only repair a ship to escape the planet, but take care to stay in the light, or die.


Tim: Pitch Black is a very smart film. From the creatures who can't stand light, to the solar eclipse, to the dialogue of the characters. It makes for a very exciting and fun ride. The special effects add much to the film, and it is a pleasure to look at. The film features mostly unknown actors, with no really big names- all the actors in the film do an excellent job, and make every scene believable.

Perhaps the best actor in the film is Vin Diesel. His character is just plain cool. Besides everything else in the film, the character played by Diesel is amazing to watch- he is cool under pressure, and has an incredible intelligence. Although he is a killer and not a good person, you find yourself loving him more than any of the "good" guys. Diesel really makes this movie work, and makes it better than it should be. Even if you think the sci-fi theme and the special effects don't work- Diesel's performance is good enough to watch this film simply for that.

For sci-fi lovers, this movie is a must see. While it isn't the greatest film ever, some smart writing, intelligent ideas, fine acting, and great special effects make this movie worthwhile to watch. Pitch Dark is a suspenseful action- sci-fi unlike what you are used to. It is worth checking out.

Rating 1-10
Tim's Rating: 6.5

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